Apple never stops and if you've been anticipating the Apple iPhone 6, you'll be needing a one-of-a-kind case for the latest generation Apple device. Launches are always announced far before the newest smartphones are ready for market, but at Vaja we keep up with the electronics giants to ensure that your phone will always be smartly dressed and well-protected. We have our designs on the drawing board and ready to go, making adjustments as features and details become available. That allows us to hit the ground running, so when the Apple iPhone 6 is finally launched you'll be able to order a luxury cover for it. Click here for an iPhone 6 Plus case if you've recently got an iPhone 6 Plus.
Vaja has always crafted the exquisite cases to cover and protect all generations of iPhones, so you know that the cover we come up with for the Apple iPhone 6 will be the best we've ever had to offer. We're all about variety, though, so if you have another brand of smartphone, you still get all the choices in styles, leathers and features that are available for the Apple iPhone Air. With cutouts, leather linings, closure options and even laser etching features, every one of our cases is a custom work of art. iPhone 6 cases, leather and customizable, sign up today.