The really terrific thing about custom made iPhone 6 cases is the "custom" part. It's true that you could pick up a cheap cover for your smartphone anywhere, even at a department or discount store. The thing is, those cases are unexceptional and 1,000 other people have the exact same ones. When you come to Vaja for an iPhone cover, however, you get a truly personalized one of a kind phone case that says "you" all over it. It has the look and the features you want and is made from top quality leather in the color or color combination you choose.
Whenever a new generation of smartphone is unveiled, Vaja is already on it with a selection of phone cover designs like no others. We don't just stop with a few designs, though. We keep creating and coming up with a variety of different covers to satisfy the most discriminating iPhone users. At Vaja we have over 20 different custom made iPhone 6 cases and almost that many for the iPhone 6 Plus. Each and every one is handcrafted from the top 10 percent of Argentina leather. The quality of our materials along with our painstaking attention to detail guarantees that your iPhone cover will be as durable as it is attractive.